About Me

Photo on 2012-11-09 at 16.01 #2This is the blog home of John Mark Troyer.

John is the founder of TechReckoning, an independent IT community. He also consults with technology vendors about influencer and community marketing programs.

Previously, John worked at VMware as a Director and Social Media Evangelist. Over the course of his time at VMware, he initiated and managed VMware’s social media, blogging, and social content marketing programs, ran their external blog and influencer relations efforts, hosted a popular weekly podcast for six years, and started the very successful VMware vExpert evangelism and advocacy program. He had the best job at VMware.

John is grateful to be married to the fabulous and lovely Kathleen Nelson Troyer, and together they live on the foggy California coast. They have three cats. They also have a guest room, but please call ahead and don’t forget to bring a sweater, even in the summer.

Cell: +1-510-520-7832
Twitter: @jtroyer
Facebook: johntroyer
Google+: John Mark Troyer 
Foursquare: jtroyer
Instagram: jtroyer
LinkedIn: johnmarktroyer
Yelp: John T.
Tumblr: jtroyer
Flavors.me: jtroyer